Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Can you read Mexican????

Here is the OFFICAL link to our hotel

I can't read a word of it.

Oh well, seven weeks and counting till sun, sand, surf.....and drinks with tiny umbrellas.

Edit: Is Kim dumb? Ummmm a little.
Here is the link in ENGLISH.....opps :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Mexico Checklist One

the mexico 'what to do before you go, get on it, start planning' email that was sent out yesterday afternoon.

Hey Guys
Only 8 weeks till Mexico......I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!
So, here is the information update. I don't know who wants what, if you guys wanted anything at all, but I am sending it to everyone. Feel free to completly ignore this email, I don't care ;)

Get on this NOW. It takes between 2 to 4 weeks to get it all done up. Applications are available online at (scroll half way down and click the link in the left column). I also printed off a couple extra, so if you need a copy let me know.

Travel Clinic
Being the Germ-A-Phobe that I am I am going to get my shots before I go. These travel clinics are pretty good, and if I remember from last time, pretty cheap. You make an appointment and they will update any shots for you, (ie/ your Hep shots) as well as give you current information on any health advisories etc. Totally worth it....I think anyways :) Here is the link for the clinics in BC Last time I went to the one in Coquitlam. Oh, and it takes at least 10 days for the vaccines to start working.

Those are the two most important things to start thinking about. They will take the most time to complete.

Oh, and if you want to head to Mexico with a rocking base tan, (I say YES, who wants to burn the first day in Mexico and than spend the rest of the vacation looking like a lobster) should probably start on that too. I am going to a place called Beach Bums. It's on 152nd and 100th. It's a pretty good place. You NEVER have to make an appointment, you just stop in when you have an extra 10 minutes. Packages are the way to go, it will work out cheaper for you in the end. I just got 400 minutes for 100 bucks, they usually have pretty sweet deals. Oh, and BUY THE LOTION, they will recommend one that's best for you...just do it.

And start thinking about exchanging money. gives daily updates on exchange rates and will convert Canadian funds to American Dollars and Mexican Pesos.
Today's Rates (March 21 2006)
$1.00 CAD = 0.858910 USD and $1.00 CAD = 9.31436 MXN
Last time I went I only brought American money (both cash and traveller's cheques) and just exchanged what I needed when I was actually in Mexico. This worked well for me and there is a currency exchange in our hotel. Most places there will take American money anyways, and Pesos aren't all that usefull when you get back home.

I think that's it, or at least all the stuff that should be taken care of sooner rather than later.
I am so excited you guys, I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


We Are Going To Mexico Bitches

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 2006 - and I can't wait.

It looks like we are actually going. The hotel is picked, the date is set, our deposits are in.....we are so going.

We are heading down for May long weekend and staying for 6 nights/7 days in the beautiful Buenaventura Hotel and Beach Club. It actually looks like a really nice place, just a five minute walk from downtown.

There are the eight of us going. We have broken down into unoffical teams too (these are based on room composition).

Team Si-Si (insert slapping noises here)

Team No-Play

Team Cries-A-Lot-And-Drives-All-The-Boys-CrAzY

Oh yeah, can't wait.

Here, check out our hotel

Oh, and check out these reviews too.

Did I mention I can't wait.

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