Saturday, May 20, 2006


Hours and Minutes

Not even a sleep and we are gone....

While, kinda a half sleep and than we are gone.


I just finished my last load of laundry, and am ready to start packing. I hate this part the most. Probably because I have a tendency to overpack. Ask anyone who came on our Manning trip, I am amazing at overpacking.

Ummmm, I think I have everything else done though.
I am so ready to rock out.

And, last time I checked, the boys were ready to go to. They even managed to pack the beer bong. This is gonna be a mess.

So yeah, next time I write we will all be back. Be prepared for every, single juicy detail, no one's gonna be spared.

This is gonna be wicked awsome, I am so I gotta pack.

6 hours and we are gone!

what about pictures?
what about pictures?
you-know, kenn in the new speedo!
talking to the toilet?
c'mon need pictures!!!
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